Friday 12 February 2010

Ancillary tasks completed

Alongside our main task of creating the horror teaser trailer, we had to accompany it with two ancillary tasks. These consisted of making a magazine front cover and and a horror poster of our film.

We decided to split our media group in half, with two people working on the poster and the other two working on the magazine cover. Me and Sarah decided to work on the film magazine cover together. We followed and challenged conventions we saw from other 'Total Film' magazine cover that we had looked at. Once we completed the magazine, we were very proud of it as we thought it looked quite professional.

The other two people in our group (Kinnerey and Nahed) worked on the horror film poster together. They did this successfully, as it looked really good. It used conventions from other horror film posters we had looked at, still fitting in perfectly with the theme of our film.

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